DesignIT Africa - What's new in DesignIT Africa? TECH-A-TOUR 1.0

What's new in DesignIT Africa? TECH-A-TOUR 1.0

Bukola Olapade

July 25, 2022

What's the latest development with DesignIT Africa? Good Question!

We finally kick-started TECH-A-TOUR 1.0, a Tech Awareness Tour around Secondary Schools in the city of Ibadan, Nigeria where we would be taking students through a journey of exploring the world of tech

In Nigeria, where Internet Fraud is especially becoming a thing among young people, we must begin to inform and show them the opportunities that tech skills afford them. Isn't it shocking that despite the advancement we are seeing in technology, many students are still clueless as to how to key into the various opportunities that tech offers, to be able to make honest income, fit into the job market, and even make lives easier for themselves?

This is the gap that DesignIT Africa hopes to bridge with TechATour. We believe that it would be a great starting point for them to dive into the ocean of possibilities that the world of Tech and Artificial Intelligence offers.

Our Focus for this project is simple; 500 Students, 5 Schools, 1 Goal! Follow us as we make a percentage of Nigerian Students AWARE, one school per time.